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Fantástica Serra d'Ossa


Start at St. James Church (Igreja de S. Tiago) in Rio de Moinhos. Follow the S. Gregorio highway, going towards Serra d 'Ossa. Turn off, visit the Shrine and Village of St. Gregory (Ermida e Aldeia de S.Gregório) and return to the original path. Cross the Ribeira Lucefécit stream and turn left. Follow the path to the right and after 500mts take the left beside the fence. Pass over the small dam embedded in the valley, follow the trail next to the Monte das Hortas ruins. Turn right at the crossroads. In the eucalyptus forest, always follow the half-slope (2Km) and at the end change direction and go to the Carneira geodesic landmark. Continue at the top of the mountain (3.5 km) and descend carefully on the first firebreak on the left to the Monte da Defesa de Baixo. Turn left on the dirt road, pass the Monte da Defesa de Cima up to the Ribeira Lucefécit stream and follow to the starting point.

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