The route follows the riverbanks through the farmland alongside the river. Almost all farmland can be found along the banks of the Zêzere, marked out by walls running perpendicular to the river that are a feature of the landscape. They have a very specific and well-structured function, as these walls hold in place the fertile soils washed down when the river is in flood. We enter real mining country, and upstream can be seen the heaps of the Panasqueira mines (Cabeço do Pião). This is where the river embarks on its most winding and intertwining section.
The route follows the riverbanks through the farmland alongside the river. Almost all farmland can be found along the banks of the Zêzere, marked out by walls running perpendicular to the river that are a feature of the landscape. They have a very specific and well-structured function, as these walls hold in place the fertile soils washed down when the river is in flood. We enter real mining country, and upstream can be seen the heaps of the Panasqueira mines (Cabeço do Pião). This is where the river embarks on its most winding and intertwining section.